What Sales Enablement
Copywriting Is All About
And Why It's A Must-Have
For Your B2B Sales Team

Sales Enablement can be defined as the tools, training, and content that sales teams need to increase their efficiency and sales for their products or services.
On a company-wide level, sales enablement also consists of the processes and strategies that top management, marketing, and sales departments can use to align sales and marketing better. These strategies will support the sales team in the best ways possible, resulting in more income for the company.
I can help your company with both Sales Enablement (SE) copywriting, and SE processes and strategies from a company-wide viewpoint. I’m certified by AWAI as a Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist. Plus, I’m certified by Hubspot in Sales Enablement Management.
I’m focusing on SE copywriting and content for your sales team for this article. I’ll talk about SE Management and how I can help here in a future article.
Why Sales Enablement Is Important
First, here are a few statistics that illustrate why SE has become a priority for many B2B companies:
- Sales Enablement grew 343% in the last five years (Source: learn.g2.com). It’s the fastest-growing specialty in B2B writing!
- Next to sales training, content is the largest SE investment that companies are making.
- 84% of sales reps achieve their quotas when their company has a solid SE program.
Sales Managers are increasingly taking over SE projects from Marketing Departments. Why?
- Marketing often doesn’t understand the needs of sales.
- They are missing content at critical points of the sales journey.
- They need content created quickly to respond to changing sales situations.
- And let’s face it, salespeople would rather be out selling than writing content! And writing may not be their forte.
And do you think that Sales Managers can write all the content their sales teams need? I’d bet that nearly all of these managers have more essential items on their plates and don’t have the time to do the content writing that’s needed.
This is where I can come in and give your sales department a hand.
Sales Enablement Content Projects
As a certified Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist, I’m skilled with SE projects such as:
- Cold prospecting email templates that get noticed and opened by your prospects.
- Follow-up email templates for each segment of the sales cycle.
- Battle Cards, also known as selling guides. A list of short scripts and copy lines for handling questions and objections from prospects.
- Call Scripts to use as a guide during phone conversations with prospects.
- One-sheets or sell sheets highlighting information about the product or service.
- Sales Decks – a master set of slides a salesperson can pull from to create sales presentations.
- Sales Proposals that help convince prospects to decide to buy your product or services.
Imagine if your salespeople had access to all of these SE content pieces. Do you think having these would help their selling efficiency and lead to increased sales? I’m sure you can see how expanded and improved SE content is vital to your sales team’s success!
I’m a former gourmet foods broker and master sales rep. In retrospect, if the companies we represented had even some of this SE content available to us, our chances of sales would increase tremendously.
The Best Candidates For Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement content works best for companies whose prospects require a ‘considered buying decision’. In other words, the resources necessary to buy your product or services are large enough that the purchaser needs to compare features, benefits, and costs vs. other brands. It’s not a quick, impulse decision.
I’m particularly interested in helping B2B businesses with sales of $1 Million - $5Million per year. These organizations are large enough to have a sales team, but may not have prioritized creating excellent SE content.
If this describes your company…and you know your sales department could use more or better SE content, let’s get in touch. You can send me a note on my Contact Page or call me at 509-993-8059.
Our first step is to have a free, no-obligation Discovery Call. Here is where I’ll learn more about your business and what your needs are. If I can help you, I’ll let you know and send you a proposal. If not, I may refer you to one of my associates who can help.
Remember, without the proper training, tools, and content, your salespeople can’t be very productive – and who knows, they may leave for greener pastures.
Think of Fabulous Copy when you need Sales Enablement content that tells, compels, and sells!
Get the Words That Will Help Your Business Win