As a 4-year copywriting veteran and a 2-year StoryBrand Guide, I’ve been around the writing project block a few times and experienced many different client situations.
I’ve learned some tough lessons over the years. So, I think it’s time I informed potential clients about what to expect when they hire me to write their next project, such as a brand messaging guide, website content wireframe, sales email sequence, or other marketing copy.
Here are 10 aspects of working with me you should know about:
1. I will qualify you as a new client before proceeding.
Reason Why: This means determining whether it’s appropriate to begin working with you. It’s no fun to start a new project and find out for whatever reason that I can’t work with your business. You should do the same with me to ensure we are a good fit.
2. In the initial call, I will ask if you have a marketing budget (and what it is).
Reason Why: If your company is a low-budget startup, or you haven’t allocated any funds to marketing, then chances are you can’t afford my services. Even having a small budget can be workable for me.
3. Proposals: I always deliver a proposal (with pricing) in person or on a Zoom call. I won’t send your proposal in an email before discussing this with you.
Reason Why: Proposals can be misunderstood if we don’t discuss each section first. It’s also a chance to negotiate the details on the spot if you don’t like some parts of the proposal.
4. Revisions: I will tell the client how many revisions I’ll make at no charge.
Reason Why: Revisions can be a sticky issue if you have more than one project decision-maker. Or if we go beyond the project’s original scope (“Can you add just one more section about ____?”). My limit is usually 2-3 revisions at no charge
5. Decision Making: If your organization makes decisions by ‘committee,’ I’ll have you choose two people to make all necessary decisions. And we’ll make sure those two have the authority to do this.
Reason Why: Working with more than two decision-makers on a project gets complicated. It can get to the point that everyone has to voice their opinion to justify being a decision-maker. Which adds way more work than necessary.
6. My best clients and I have mutual respect. They honor my pricing, give me fast feedback on work done, and are okay with extra charges for work requested beyond the original project scope. I appreciate their expertise and passion for their businesses.
So What? I’m listing these expectations so you can see the best behaviors of my ideal clients.
7. If I’m not a good match for the needed work, I will do my best to refer you to someone who is a better fit for the project.
Reason Why: My goal is to do what’s in the best interest of my clients. Even if it means handing them off to another professional.
8. Using AI tools for initial ideas, outlines, and research is okay. But as tempting as this is, I don’t use AI to write projects for you.
Reason Why: Even though some AI content can be pretty good, most clients can ‘smell out’ AI-written content now. These clients don’t like the idea of using AI content word-for-word and having me pretend I wrote it myself.
9. As a StoryBrand Guide, I will always do my best to persuade you to create a Brandscript before I write any marketing copy.
Reason Why: A Brandscript uses the StoryBrand format to create the main talking points you need for the most effective client-focused marketing content. Writing content or sales copy without this is like baking a cake without a recipe.
10. Payment: I usually require a 50% deposit when starting new projects and collect the balance due when the project is completed.
Reason Why: Paying a deposit at the beginning of our brand messaging or copywriting project gives you ‘skin in the game,’ so you’re more motivated to see the project through to completion. If it’s a large project, I’m open to other deposit options, such as 30% at the beginning, 30% in the middle, and 40% upon completion.
Now you can relax, knowing more about what to expect when we work together on your next writing project.
I’m actually very easygoing and aim to please. And I’ll do my best to make you and your business shine!
If you’d like to discuss your next project, email me at craig@fabulouscopy.com. Or send me a note on my contact page.
Bio for Craig Grossman/Fabulous Copy

Craig Grossman has been a sales pro for most of his adult life. He owned and managed a gourmet foods brokerage company called Evergreen Fancy Foods, Inc., selling to retailers across the N.W. states with a team of 6 sales reps. But after 30 years, it was time for a new challenge! He discovered copywriting in 2016 and earned copywriting certifications mostly through AWAI. Craig sold his sales business in January 2020 to become a full-time copywriter and brand messaging strategist.
Craig is now a StoryBrand Marketing Guide. He loves helping his clients by creating brand narrative strategies, compelling website content, and sales copy for local and national companies. His favorite niches include financial planners, accounting firms, B2B, and professional services. Craig and his partner Hope have a home and large veggie garden in Spokane, WA, and love to hike, ski, and paddleboard.
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